Membership shall be of three (3) categories.

a) Ordinary Members:

1. Medical practitioners registered with the Malaysian Medical Council; and

2. Possess any of the following recognized postgraduate qualifications in dermatology:
2.1 Advanced Master in Dermatology (UKM)
2.2 American Specialty Board in Dermatology
2.3 MACD or FACD (Member or Fellow of the Australian College of Dermatology)
2.4 Any postgraduate qualification in Dermatology involving 3 years fulltime of Internal Medicine and at least 3 years of structured residency of diplomat study deemed equivalent to Advanced Masters in Dermatology (UKM) by the Executive Committee of the Persatuan Dermatologi Malaysia (PDM) with the concurrence of the Dermatology Specialty Subcommittee of the National Credentialing Committee (NCC). AND

3. Possess a recognized post graduate qualification in medicine including:
3.1 MRCP (UK)
3.2 MRACP or FRACP (Australia)
3.3 M. Med Internal Medicine (UM, UKM, USM)
3.4 Any postgraduate qualification in internal medicine deemed equivalent to 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3 by the Executive Committee of the Persatuan Dermatologi Malaysia (PDM) with the concurrence of the Dermatology Specialty Subcommittee of the National Credentialing Committee (NCC)
And in addition have
3.5 Three years of experience in internal medicine.
3.6 Three years of full time training under a *Senior Dermatologist in an organized Skin Unit. - Training should include clinical dermatology (with inpatient and outpatient care), Venereology (sexually transmitted diseases) and Leprosy. - The centre should have supportive facilities in histopathology, immunology, microbiology and mycology, and library facilities.
*Senior Dermatologist refers to a Consultant Dermatologist with at least 5 years experience of Dermatology 3.6.1 Of the three years training, at least 1 year is to be done after obtaining the postgraduate qualification. 3.6.2 Those having in addition, the Diploma in Dermatology, can consider the course at the St. John's Institute of Dermatology, University of London, as 1 year of training.
3.6.3 Training done overseas may be considered on a case to case basis as defined in 3.6 and 3.6.1 above. OR

4. A medical practitioner who does not hold any of the recognized postgraduate qualifications stated in 2 and 3 above, may be considered a Dermatologist if all the following requirements are fulfilled up to 1st January, 1983:
4.1 Possesses a Diploma in Dermatology
4.2 Has at least 5 years of experience in Dermatology (Diploma in Dermatology from St. John Institute of Dermatology shall be considered as 1 year of experience in dermatology
(This Clause 4 will be valid for 3 years from the inception of the National Specialist Register on 23rd August, 2006) OR

5. For a grace period of 3 years from the inception of the National Specialist Register (NSR) on 23rd August, 2006, a doctor working full-time in the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) hospitals or public (Government funded) Universities who is gazetted or officially recognized as a Dermatologist by the MOH or the Public Universities may be considered as a Dermatologist for the registration with the NSR.

To maintain membership of the Persatuan Dermatologi Malaysia, each member must within that year, either:
i) Publish a paper on dermatology in any one medical journal, or
ii) Present a paper at any one scientific meeting or
iii) Attend at least one Dermatological Scientific Meeting

Application for Ordinary Membership shall be made in to the Honorary Secretary on the approved form for approval by the Executive Committee.

b) Honorary Members:

Honorary Members shall be distinguished persons who have rendered notable service to The Society or to the advancement of Dermatology in Malaysia and recommended by the Executive Committee and elected by majority at a General Meeting.

c) Life Members: Ordinary members in good standing with more than 10 years of continuous membership.

Life Membership Fees: Ordinary members are encouraged to apply for life membership by paying RM500.00 as a one time subscription fee. Please enquire from our Treasurer for further details.

PDM Application Form
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